Powerful platform to help you host online events on your own domain

Everything you need to host a successful online open day, education fair, career fair.
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Ease of Use

Set up, customise, and launch an event on Fairwiz in minutes.
Create or add UNLIMITED user accounts, events, booths, files, talks, and job vacancies without the need to upgrade Fairwiz or purchase add-ons.

Create new events with ease by choosing from previously added event assets – photos, videos, pdfs, and more – without spending too much of your time.

Choose from a variety of high-quality templates to create event landing pages and booth designs without needing the expertise of a designer.

Use “drag and drop” functions to make speedy edits without having to wait hours or days for someone else to make the changes.

If you still need help, you have access to a dedicated Customer Success Manager that will assist you before or during your event.

Flexibility in Customisation

Customise the look & feel for almost anything within Fairwiz without limiting your creativity.
Change as little or as much as you want with our customisable templates or you can upload your own designs.

Customise the look & feel to match your brand guidelines and other requirements.

Customise event registration fields to capture attendee information that would be important to you.

Customise registration pages, hall backgrounds, booth designs, and more.

Tools for Conversion

Immersive experience for your attendees without making them feel uncomfortable to engage with you.
Allow event attendees to know how many visitors are in each booth – in real-time – so that they know that there is activity happening within the event and at each of the booths.

Make attendees feel like they're on-location with 360 photos & videos.

Engage with attendees with live talks using Zoom, Facebook Live, and YouTube Live.

Powerful live chat system to engage active or idle visitors with automated greeting messages, saved replies, voice & video calls, and file uploads.

Data Management, Analytics, Reports

Be efficient and drive the business forward more effectively without wasting time and money on low-impact activities.
View real-time analytics and reports in the dashboard – number of registered users, attendance rate, login sessions, login & registrations over time, top 10 location sources (cities/countries), mobile vs PC usage, a database of registered users.

Search, filter, and export your database of registered users into a .csv format.

Understand which channel is most effective for your event promotions with our integration to Google Tag Manager.

Get feedback to improve your future events. A survey is automatically sent out post-event to gather feedback from your attendees.
Fairwiz © 2022. Owned and operated by EasyUni.