University of Nottingham Virtual Open Day screenshot.
A screenshot of the University of Nottingham’s Virtual Open Day powered by Fairwiz.

Virtual fairs are here to stay.

More companies are adding virtual fairs to their event planning checklist for several reasons:

  • Virtual fairs are more affordable than in-person events.
  • There’s no limit to the number of attendees.
  • Transportation is no longer a problem.
  • They reduce carbon footprint.

You can find out more about the benefits here.

There are certain questions that you should keep in mind before you decide on software that can effectively carry out your virtual event. Let’s look into some of them:

1. What are the key features I’m looking for in the software?

This is a vital question because it determines how a particular virtual fair software helps achieve your KPIs. Some of the common features you will need are:

  • Live chat / Messaging
  • Customisable registration forms
  • Virtual booths with private live chat
  • Integration to videoconferencing / Live streaming tools
  • Pre-event reminders
  • Post-event surveys

But first, you should have your event objectives in mind. They will help you define the features you want to ask vendors about as you research and view software demonstrations.

2. Does the software have tools that can help promote my event?

Ideally, a virtual fair software should have some built-in features that assist you in your marketing strategy, such as:

  • Landing page customisation - Your customised landing page helps you showcase your event and the value of attending it. Link the landing page to all your promotions to encourage them to take action.
  • Automated email reminders - You can announce upcoming events through scheduled automated email reminders within the system without using a separate system.
  • Push notifications - Some people don’t check their emails often. Scheduling web push notifications easily reminds your target audience about an upcoming virtual fair.
  • GTM integration - Integrate Google Track Manager to track your marketing channel source.
  • Banners/Pop-ups/Forms - Spreading the word plays a central role in getting more attendees to join your event and promote it further.

You can find the above features available on Fairwiz.

3. Can the software accommodate our target audience?

Identify the type of technical limitations that may provide a bad experience to your attendees.

For example, attendees in China can’t use YouTube to live-stream videos, which is why Fairwiz offers Youku, a China-based video hosting service similar to YouTube.

Besides, based on data points we tracked in Fairwiz, more than 90% of attendees join virtual fairs using mobile devices. No matter what software you use, make sure it’s mobile-friendly.

There are also other factors to consider, such as:

  • Can it handle a large number of attendees at one go?
  • What is the loading speed?
  • Will it force attendees to download the app?
  • Is the login process complicated? (P/s: Fairwiz makes it super easy)

Understanding the demographics of your attendees can help you identify the right software to utilise.

  • What is their age group?
  • Where are they accessing your event from?
  • What devices are they using?
  • How tech-savvy are they?

By asking these questions, you will be able to accurately employ the level of technology, features and type of customer support that you want in a virtual fair software.

You can pre-set the type of attendee information you want through Fairwiz’s customisable registration form.

Screenshot of registration form on Fairwiz.
The customisable registration form on Fairwiz allows users to determine the information that they want to collect from attendees.

4. Does the software integrate with existing video-conferencing/live-streaming tools, e.g. YouTube, Zoom and Facebook?

Live-streaming your event across multiple platforms (YouTube/Facebook/Zoom) helps you reach the right people.

This gives interested individuals more options to attend your event. If the software has this feature, you’re ready to host a successful virtual fair.

On Fairwiz, we don’t disrupt the user experience by forcing the user to open up these tools separately to join a talk.

5. Is it within my budget and has flexible pricing?

When you look for virtual fair software, it is best to consider these:

  • Are they locking us into a contract for X years?
  • Is it a subscription model, or do we pay monthly/yearly?
  • What are the differences between a monthly and yearly subscription?
  • Is there a lower monthly rate if I commit to a yearly subscription? How much will I be saving each month with the yearly commitment?

With Fairwiz, you can just create/add unlimited user accounts, booths, events, talks, and files without paying for add-ons/upgrades.

6. Does the software offer technical support?

Imagine starting your virtual fair with a bang, only to encounter technical issues midway. This could turn away attendees and potential sponsors.

It is best to prepare for the worst-case scenario by seeking a good support system within the software: Do they have someone on standby to solve technical issues during your event?

Fairwiz has a Customer Success Manager (CSM) who can assist you with the onboarding process (system set-up & training) and support (pre, during and post-event).

7. What kind of data can I track with the software?

It is best to seek software that provides valuable data for your virtual fairs, such as attendee interests and behaviour.

It is also central to keep these in mind:

  • Can you download attendee data (e.g., number of attendees & attendance rate) for analysis and follow-up?
  • What are the most effective marketing channels for your event promotions?
  • What are currently the most engaging booths that will be suitable for your virtual fair?
  • What are the peak times?

With Fairwiz, you will have access to your dashboard that allows you to view the number of registered users, login sessions, top location sources, and registrant database. This enables you to observe real-time analytics for each event and manage your content.

Partial screenshot of Fairwiz dashboard.
In Fairwiz, users can access their dashboard to view real-time analytics and registered users.

Fairwiz also automatically sends out a post-event survey to help you gather feedback to improve future virtual fairs.

Survey report screenshot on Fairwiz.
Fairwiz provides post-event surveys so users don’t have to source for an external system.

8. How easy is it to utilise?

Keep in mind the ease of use of the software you’re searching for. While you may find all the features you need, if the process of setting up and customising your virtual fair takes too long, you’re losing precious time and effort.

On Fairwiz, you can easily create new events, allowing you or any colleague to make quick edits without going through a third party. You can also create a new event with only a few clicks by selecting previously added assets, such as photos, PDFs, videos, and more.

9. Can I customise the look of my virtual fair?

Customising the overall look of your virtual fair helps your brand present a unique identity.

The platform you’re researching should not limit your creativity. With Fairwiz, you can make as many changes as you want with the following features:

  • Customisable templates for landing pages
  • Customisable registration pages and fields
  • Customisable hall/booth background and designs

Want to know how Fairwiz can help you host virtual open days and education fairs? Book a demo today!